Legal Notice and Privacy Policy


Stadt Karlsruhe
Karl-Friedrich-Str. 10
76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon: 0721 133-0

Authorized Representative
Oberbürgermeister Dr. Frank Mentrup

Supervisory Authority
Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe

VAT Identification Number

Postal address
Stadt Karlsruhe
76124 Karlsruhe

Responsible Editorial Department

Amt für Informationstechnik und Digitalisierung
Open Government und Open Data

Technical Implementation and Design

Anwendungsprojekt University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe
Chiara Scheurer
Abdullah Atak
Christian Holst
Jan Kuhnmünch
Daniel Purtov

Privacy Policy

We do not store any data about our users and do not collect statistics on accesses. Wherever possible, we keep all dependencies on our own server.

External Links
Our website may contain links to external websites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of these other websites. We recommend reading the privacy policies of linked websites.